On 21 jan, 12:55, Anders <anders.grimsrud.erik...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My django site uses iso-8859-1 as default output of all the web pages
> (due to ssi intergration with other iso-8859-1 pages).
> So I have set:
> DEFAULT_CHARSET = 'iso-8859-1'
> FILE_CHARSET = 'iso-8859-1'
> and this works fine for alle the pages I serve.
> But now I have to serve an xml output for use with actionscript in a
> Flash. This xml should be UTF-8 encoded.
> Is there som way I can convert the queryset to utf-8

I assume you mean "the queryset's contents that happens to be textual
content" ?-)

For the record, did you check how your queryset's textaul content was
actually presented (I mean, in your view's python code) ?

I think that reading http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/unicode/
might be a good starting point, paying special attention to

Now the bad news is that, still according to this same page:
The DEFAULT_CHARSET setting controls the encoding of rendered


> so that this will
> work? Or can I convert each string as I output it in the template

Why not just convert the rendered template ?-)

> (yeah, I use the template to create xml - not good, I know).

Well, this may not be the most efficient solution and that you don't
have any validation, but I wouldn't label it as "not good". Django's
templating system is here for generating templated text outputs, and
whether what it generates is XML or XHTML or HTML or whatever is

> In addition the render_to_response uses the default charset, is is
> possible to override this default and use UTF-8?

render_to_response() is just a (convenient) shortcut. In you case, the
simplest solution IMHO would be to (in your view function):

- explicitely load the template
- render it and store the result
- convert this result to utf-8
- pass this converted result to an HttpResponse object, specifying the
appropriate content-type Content-Encoding.

All this (except the encoding conversion, cf below) is documented in
the FineManual(tm) - but feel free to ask here for more precision if

NB : how to convert a bytestring from one encoding to another
(assuming the string is effectively encoded as 'original-encoding' of

  result = thestring.decode('original-encoding').encode('another-

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