There are quite a few different ways to deploy Django applications so
that the big wide world can see them. I'm on a mission to find out
which methods are most popular, which web servers people are using,
and what RDBMS is storing the data of Djangonauts world-wide.

Last night I put some changes live on to let site
submitters include their deployment details when a site is submitted.
These details are kept 'anonymous', in that they aren't published with
website listings.

Once I've got a material number of responses, I will put a page on that shows the results in aggregate form, to satisfy
the curiosity of data geeks everywhere.

What can you do to help?

1) If your sites are not already listed at DjangoSites: Sign up for an
account[1] and submit your site[2]. Note that you can use OpenID if
you're that way inclined.

2) If your sites ARE already listed, log in to the site[3] and click
"My Sites" in the header navbar. Click on a website that's yours, then
click 'Edit'.

So far I've got about 70 responses. I'll be waiting for approx 200
before publishing a live aggregation page. In the meantime I'll post
numbers to my blog as time permits.

For more detail about what I'm doing and why, see my blog post from
last night[4]. For any questions don't hesitate to respond here or via

With any luck we'll have some neat statistics on Django deployment in
the real-world within a few weeks. Thanks in advance for your

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