On Apr 9, 11:24 am, Graham Dumpleton <graham.dumple...@gmail.com>
> Is the list of options on the site somewhere where a login isn't
> required? I had a dig around when you first mentioned this, but
> couldn't find it.

The options that can be selected are:

 - MySQL
 - PostgreSQL
 - sqlite
 - Oracle
 - MS SQL Server

 - Linux based
 - BSD based
 - OSX
 - Windows
 - Sun OS

 - 0.90
 - 0.91
 - 0.95
 - 0.96
 - 1.0
 - 1.1
 - A particular SVN checkout
 - A bleeding-edge SVN checkout

 - 2.3
 - 2.4
 - 2.5
 - 2.6
 - 3.0

 - Apache
 - CherryPy
 - Cherokee
 - Django development server
 - IIS
 - Lighttpd
 - nginx
 - web2py

 - mod_python
 - mod_wsgi
 - fastcgi
 - Django dev server
 - scgi

Some of these may not be relevant to some people, and I'm expecting
people to not answer particular questions. But it should give us a
representative sample of the methods and tools people are using to run
live Django sites, which will be useful for application packagers,
ISV's doing development, and most likely the Django core team as well.

> Can you also point at a particular site which has the option selected
> so can see how it presents in site information? Can one also search by
> the information?

The deployment details aren't listed on a site-by-site basis. I'll
publish the results in aggregated form shortly. For reference, my own
site (http://www.djangosites.org/s/www-rossp-org/) has deployment
details saved with it, but they don't show publicly.

> Sorry if these things might be obvious and I have missed them. Right
> now djangosites isn't even responding properly from where I am.
> Browser not able to get down styling.css properly. Maybe your
> mod_python died from all the traffic. (Hint) ;-)

Well I ain't using mod_python :) The site traffic hasn't been absurdly
greater than average, and I haven't noticed any issues. That doesn't
mean they don't exist, of course. If you're still having troubles,
what do you get if you try to access http://media.djangosites.org/ ?
Sorry you've having problems - if you can provide any more information
I'll see to it that it gets fixed up.


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