On Apr 9, 5:15 pm, Ross Poulton <r...@rossp.org> wrote:
> > Sorry if these things might be obvious and I have missed them. Right
> > now djangosites isn't even responding properly from where I am.
> > Browser not able to get down styling.css properly. Maybe your
> > mod_python died from all the traffic. (Hint) ;-)
> Well I ain't using mod_python :) The site traffic hasn't been absurdly
> greater than average, and I haven't noticed any issues. That doesn't
> mean they don't exist, of course. If you're still having troubles,
> what do you get if you try to accesshttp://media.djangosites.org/?
> Sorry you've having problems - if you can provide any more information
> I'll see to it that it gets fixed up.

The djangosites about page says:

  Served by Apache and mod_python

The site seems to work okay from home, just not from my work, so
firewall/proxy probably caching stuff.

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