> I've been looking at a couple of RIA frameworks, namely Sproutcore and
> Cappuccino.  The feel a bit too heavy for me.  Sproutcore does not
> integrate well with Django

> The reason I'm posting is to ask the community if they have know of
> anything that is at a higher level than jQuery + jQuery UI and a lower
> level than Sproutcore/Cappuccino.  I'd like to find something that has
> this kind of stuff in it:
> - Client-side Javascript MVC implementation (Both Sproutcore and
> Cappuccino have controllers and view)
> - Easy layouts (I really 
> likehttp://cappuccino.org/learn/tutorials/automatic-layout/)
> - Data bindings (Step 4 
> onhttp://www.sproutcore.com/documentation/hello-world-tutorial-2-your-f...)

When I looked into some of the heavier JavaScript application
frameworks such as SproutCore, Cappucino, and ExtJS, the biggest
hurdle I faced was my own approach.

These frameworks are designed to build complete web applications, not
to be sprinkled within Django template files the way I might do with
jQuery. After talking with Erich from the SproutCore project, I
decided the best approach was to build the entire front-end
application in static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, relying on ajax calls
to Django URLs for backend data. (I use Apache to serve my static HTML/
JS/CSS files and don't even process them with Django to save the

Even with my jQuery projects, my initial results were a morass of
spaghetti code because I was approaching my client-side projects as a
web developer, relying on my experience with what I'd call "request
and response" thinking. I had to study the practices of traditional
stateful, event-driven desktop application development before my
attempts at these projects went more smoothly. (and I'm still

If you settle on a client-side MVC framework, you'll probably want to
keep the frontend and backend completely separate and use Django for
web services calls to send and receive data to the frontend. The
client-side controllers will handle the data calls and binding to the
UI controls in the view. If instead you want a site that's mostly
driven by Django but has some extra functionality, I'd probably stick
with something lighter like jQuery.

I know this isn't the answer to your question, but since I've faced
the same issues, I thought I'd share. Hope this helps.

-- Scott

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