> We've recently done the dance through a wide range of tools and ended up
> selecting Qooxdoo (qooxdoo.org) for a variety of reasons.

 i'd love to be able to evaluate it, but i get this:

Error: unterminated string literal
Source File: http://demo.qooxdoo.org/current/demobrowser/script/demobrowser.js
Line: 7214, Column: 177
Source Code:
(function(){var m='<div style="',l='"></div>',k="mshtml",j='"/
>',i="",h='" style="vertical-
src="',y=" src="',c="overflow:hidden;";

great!  i'm impressed!

> Also pretty heavy on the UI side, though it has capabilities to be used
> as a component on an otherwise static site.

 yehh, i did an integration of a pyjamas app with a joomla site -
http://worldfairtradeday09.org (see events listings and remember that
that's a live site, not a demo).  so it's possible, but...  yechh :)

 regarding the use of qooxdoo:

* how do you anticipate being able to deal with situations where your
app evolves beyond what qooxdoo has to offer?

* does your application have to face a whopping great hit of the
entire qooxdoo libraries (extjs has a two MEGABYTE hit of javascript,
per page) even if you use a tiny proportion of its functionality?

* has your organisation got the time, skills, and resources, to fix or
improve qooxdoo if you encounter any bugs, flaws or missing features?

not being funny, or anything, but given a choice between under 10,000
lines of python (1500 of which is the python-to-javascript compiler)
and 50,000 lines of javascript, i know which one i'd pick, every time,
even if the widget set that the smaller project provided was more
"basic" than the "feature-rich" javascript framework/widget set.


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