2010/2/9 Mike Ramirez <gufym...@gmail.com>:
> On Tuesday 09 February 2010 13:09:08 Brice Leroy wrote:
>> django-admin startproject creates an empty folder...
>> startproject almost = mkdir
>> This will generate your models, modelForm, views, templates, urls, and
>> soon customized forms and permissions
> That's what the web interface does?
> Yes startproject gives you empty files so you can add in your own code, with
> the minimal funs.
> For me, I don't see your project as a big advantage, except maybe two minutes
> of time where I don't need to do things like:
> class MyModel(models.Model):
>  ...
> I don't know, thought about your approach before, but think it's reduntant.
> Just because each project requires it's own data and model field attributes
> and form funs...  And I think django already does a great job of genericizing

It does provide you a skeleton that you're supposed to adapt. I wanted
it to be as simple as possible.

> this stuff with the code i.e. ModelFoms. I don't know how much of a real
> timesaver this really is.  Didn't even mention tests..  Which can you auto
> generate?

Doesn't make so much sense to me to generate test

> Especially if your project's outputed code isn't template driven where each
> user of it can change the boiler plate code with minimal or no fuss, so it can
> be tailored to each users needs.  Like I'm able to add in my most used
> imports, which aren't all going to be yours or anyone elses or the same in
> each project.

I though about it (adding profile, css framework, JS framework...),
but doesn't have yet a good idea on how to integrate it right now...
and it doesn't feet my first goal which is
to quickly create a working project structure that can be easily extended.

> I think the minimal approach of django-admin is a much better way to do these
> things. With either way you still have to give the fields, options and the
> names, then fill in the functions you need/want. Each function that can be
> autogenerated is like two lines of code.
> I don't know if your generated code can handle a lot of choices I make, like
> making fields not editable in the admin, setting defaults, etc... and even if
> you do offer these choices, the time to use your project and code it up
> probably isn't much different.
> The big thing for me in terms of tools like this, is the ability to save time,
> which I don't think there is a difference between what django-admin has and
> your project. Because either way I need to still fill in the fields, the type
> of field it is, etc.. and typeing IntegerField() isn't faster than selecting
> from a drop down box.

I cannot really argue with you on that. If you can please try it first.

> Tho the importing of existing models maybe interesting for refactoring, Tho I
> just cp oldversion newversion and make the changes.
> I still have a large feeling I'm going to editting what your project outputs
> (blame this on things like UML). When I would just rather write it once and
> forget it.
> I also love building development tools, I'm just finishing up something like
> this for Go. Where it'll generate a project directory tree of your Go files
> (either a package or command, with Makefiels, readme, etc.. all template
> driven so you can edit the boilerplate code to be what you want) it'll be
> released in a few more days when I finish cleaning up the default templates
> and a few optimizations. If you want to see what I mean, I don't mind sending
> it today. Just know there are a lot of mistakes in the templates and still
> looking at a few tweaks and playing with usability.

I would like to see it. that would probably give me some ideas

> But in the end, I think the time saved with yours is going to be minimal I
> believe unless your can guess what model fields I need and what options they
> are it's not saving that much time (maybe 30 minutes?). Otherwise, I think
> that altering django-admin startporject to be template driven is a better idea
> than this.  Sorry for being negative, but without negativity how can we be
> challenged and grow?

You can be negative but it's hard to take some of your arguments when
obviously you didn't try it :p
Otherwise I appreciate your argumentation on some points. It's true
that optimizing the existent is often the best practice. This more
another approach in the spirit of perfectionists with deadlines ( it's
far from the perfection ).

Thank you Mike

> Mike
>> I'll add a copy project so you can extend an existing model if you
>> have a big production pace of common project model.
>> 2010/2/9 Mike Ramirez <gufym...@gmail.com>:
>> > On Tuesday 09 February 2010 12:58:32 Brice Leroy wrote:
>> >> Hello everybody,
>> >>
>> >> I've been working for a week on this idea of a generator for django
>> >> project. The goal is to provide a simple architecture that can be
>> >> after adapted to your project. The system is in alpha stage but allows
>> >> you to create project, model (+1 view and 1 form) and application.
>> >> Once your project is created you can download a tar.gz with the
>> >> complete project already build for you.
>> >>
>> >> It's supposed to be used with the trunk version of django.
>> >>
>> >> I plan to add permission, forms and view during the next 15 days. Let
>> >> me know if you have any advice or request.
>> >>
>> >> The project can be found here: http://alpha.djangogenerator.com/ and
>> >> is open to registration
>> >> The source code is located on github:
>> >>  http://github.com/debrice/djangogenerator
>> >>
>> >> All the best,
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Brice Leroy
>> >> http://www.debrice.com
>> >
>> > how is this different than `django-admin startproject` ?
>> >
>> > Mike
>> > --


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