On Tuesday 09 February 2010 14:52:00 Frank W. Samuelson wrote:
> You are something of a killjoy, Mike.
> This could grow into a really great project, where people
> don't even have to learn programming to generate a usable
> django web database app. 

Isn't this what existing django-apps are for?

> They just design their app with
> the user friendly web interface, and it runs. 

> It could even
> be integrated with hosting, and people might never see
> the code, it would just run.  

This is possible, but I would rather have an installer that installs apps that 
are already made  by good programmers who know what they are doing.

> How many people who have web
> pages nowadays know HTML?

And I don't agree/like this, if you don't want to learn html, higher a 

would you drive a car built by a guy who has never driven, much less fixed a 
car because he was able to put one together from a kit?

Because you can, doesn't mean that you should...

It's this type of mentality that leads to security holes and bad web apps that 
hurt server performance and many different things...

A bad django app made this way can hurt django's reputation. 

Machine Always Crashes, If Not, The Operating System Hangs (MACINTOSH)
        -- Topic on #Linux

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