On Jun 10, 2014, at 2:47 PM, Murray S. Kucherawy <superu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 11:52 PM, Franck Martin <fra...@peachymango.org> wrote:
> This is interesting, however it seems to me that DMARC should be more aware 
> of it if used.
> Why?  This is a way of satisfying the alignment requirement on the DKIM side. 
>  DMARC doesn't need to know it's there.  The same is true of ATPS, for 
> example.
> I would suggest to sign with a sub domain. This would keep alignement, but 
> would allow you to see which DKIM signature worked. Once both DKIM signature 
> work, you would not need the delegated one.
> What would make both start working again?  The problem we're trying to solve 
> here is that the originator signature is broken by the list, and that's a 
> (theoretically) immutable condition.
> I think DMARC should be made aware, so that it apply some constraints on when 
> this signature is used/valid. May be only when there is a List-ID or 
> List-Post header present, and the list has DKIM signed the whole message with 
> its domain.
> Anyone can add a List-ID or List-Post header field, so I don't think that 
> adds any additional security.
> It would require MLM to not drop DKIM headers... Still some configuration on 
> MLM side, but less in the way messages are modified
> That's a much less visible and thus probably more tolerable change for MLM 
> operators.

Dear Murray,

It would be helpful to reference TPA-Label instead of ATPS.  ATPS can never be 
deployed.  While List-ID will not in itself confirm the message source, when 
used as condition for authorization will help ensure recipients can use this 
header to sort messages.  I am about to update this draft to help clarify why 
the TPA-Label approach is still better than several of the other quick fixes 
being suggested.

Douglas Otis

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