That's fine if any of the domains have an associated DMARC record - of any
sort. My concern is the case where none of them do, or when there
are no domains present.

In that case I agree with you, it's none of DMARC's business what happens.

For From: headers with address-free groups, recall that the motivation
for this was EAI downgrades at delivery time.  The un-downgraded
message had a normal From: header, so normal DMARC applies.  If the
address is smashed in the downgrade I don't see any reason that the
DMARC result needs to change.

Neither do I.

Clarification for Murray: An EAI message might arrive with an address like this:

 From: stuff <a...@bbbb.cccc>

where AAAA, BBBB, and CCCC are UTF-8 strings, and for extra excitement, AAAA includes characters not allowed in u-labels. You can easily do a DMARC check on this address by turning BBBB.CCCC, which have to be U-labels, into A-labels and do a normal DMARC check.

Non-EAI mail can't handle the AAAA, so one of the ways a message might be smashed for delivery might be this:

From: "international address a...@bbbb.cccc" :;

(You can use MIME encoding for the comment.)

So the address is gone, but the message remains, and the DMARC result might as well remain too. I agree this is pretty deep into nit-land, so my only real concern is that there not be langauge that forbids doing the obvious thing in this situation.

John Levine,, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
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