Hi, Murray.

(Aside: Your email client is sending messages in "multipart/alternative" 
format, but then its "text/plain" section has the quoting broken...  Could you 
fix that, please? I had to manually add ">>" below to differentiate your text 
from mine, I hope I didn't gaffe it...)

---- Original Message ----
From: Murray S. Kucherawy
To: J. Gómez
Cc: dmarc@ietf.org
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 10:01 PM
Subject: Re: [dmarc-ietf] Next steps for RFC 7489 (DMARC)

> On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 1:38 PM, J. Gomez <jgo...@seryrich.com> wrote:
>> I know for sure I will publish only p=none for my client's domains,
>> and use DMARC only as a reporting tool, as long as DMARC's p=reject
>> cannot be reliably relied on. But I would love to be able to reliably
>> rely on DMARC's p=reject.   
> I'm not sure I agree with the claim that p=reject is unreliable.  It
> seems to me that it's working as designed, and the results are
> deterministic.  It's not flaky.  How receivers use it is the mushy
> part, but that's really outside of the protocol.   

The set (DMARC + p=reject) is unreliable, in the current situation, because it 
fails to describe the legitimate and real scenario of mailing lists.

> Even if DMARC didn't have these mediator problems, there still would
> be no ultimate compulsion for receivers to do what domain owners ask.
> It might be a lot more likely that they would comply without
> reservations, but there would still be some operators that don't.   
> So just to be clear, are you using "reliable" here to talk about how
> receivers apply it? 

No. It is "unreliable" for Receivers to apply it. Sure, for the Sender p=reject 
is perfectly reliable, if he happens to have all his ducks neatly in a row. But 
the Receiver cannot know if the Sender has all his ducks neatly in a row when 
said Sender publishes p=reject. Question that the Receiver asks to himself: Is 
the Sender aware of p=reject drawbacks and can therefore the Receiver rely on 
the Sender's declared p=reject? Answer to that question: The Receiver has no 
way to know, therefore p=reject is unreliable from the point of view of the 
Receiver, irrespective of what the Receiver ultimately decides to do with the 
Sender's declared p=reject.


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