On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 12:58 PM, J. Gomez <jgo...@seryrich.com> wrote:

> No. It is "unreliable" for Receivers to apply it. Sure, for the Sender
> p=reject is perfectly reliable, if he happens to have all his ducks neatly
> in a row. But the Receiver cannot know if the Sender has all his ducks
> neatly in a row when said Sender publishes p=reject. Question that the
> Receiver asks to himself: Is the Sender aware of p=reject drawbacks and can
> therefore the Receiver rely on the Sender's declared p=reject? Answer to
> that question: The Receiver has no way to know, therefore p=reject is
> unreliable from the point of view of the Receiver, irrespective of what the
> Receiver ultimately decides to do with the Sender's declared p=reject.

I think you're actually saying exactly what I thought you meant.  Thanks
for confirming.  I just wanted to be clear for context.

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