On April 16, 2015 7:06:02 PM EDT, Hector Santos <hsan...@isdg.net> wrote:
>On 4/16/2015 6:21 PM, Rolf E. Sonneveld wrote:
>> Now I think Scott is right that we need to make a step back and his
>> analysis might help us to know on which solutions we'd best spend
>> of our time. However, having said that, I'm afraid that we're biased
>> by our discussions around the 'DMARC/Mailing List problem'. Let's not
>> forget the other use cases of draft-ietf-dmarc-interoperability.
>+1 Extremely bias.
>Lets keep in mind that there are two minimum receivers generally with 
>a MLM transaction that also need to be part of the cost and impact 
>    MDA1 -- receiver and resigner
>    MDA2 -- final user(s) receiver(s).
>Another solution (partial) is for MDA1 honor policy and not allow 
>resigning to take place.  The one that is talked about the most are 
>the MDA2 end user receivers rejecting messages.   We will  want to 
>maximize the MDA2 consistent and persistent result factor since there 
>could be many different implementations at the MDA2 nodes.

It's a bit more complex than just not resigning (actually resigning shouldn't 
hurt).  What MDA/MTA1 needs to do is avoid any transformations that would 
invalidate the originator's DKIM signature.   
For some, that's a reasonable solution, but for others it's not because they 
aren't willing to give up the traditional mailing list transformations, i.e. 
there is a side effect that leads the mediator to consider the approach to 
costly (costs aren't just money).

Although we've been focused on mailing lists in discussing the possible 
solution space, the framework I laid out is suitable for any mediated message 
transaction.  I think the solution space for third-party originators is likely 
disjoint from the  solution space for mediated transactions, so I haven't 
worried about it too much. 

I'd still rather focus on an assessment framework before we go zooming into 
solutions again. I don't think we're getting very far without it. 

Scott K

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