I don't have a summary.  To the extent I mentioned any specific proposal it was 
meant to be merely exemplary.  The point, is to come up with a framework to 
discuss solution utility.  Because there is a certain breadth of deployment 
needed for interoperability for some solutions, I don't think Pareto analysis 
is useful at all.

We've spent a lot of time going around in circles about various proposals and 
so I'm trying to come up with a useful way for us to focus.  It doesn't 
eliminate the need to make sure any method we pursue works and is secure, it's 
just a way to see what clears the minimum threshold for deployability to 
provide a potential for interoperability.

Your mail is mostly arguing about specifics of different solutions.  That means 
we're not at all on the same page.  I'm attempting a step back to define a 
framework we can use to move the group forward.  Please look at it at that 
level and take a step back both from the well known history and the particular 
solutions you like or don't like.

Scott K

On Thursday, April 16, 2015 01:03:20 PM Hector Santos wrote:
> Scott,
> what is your summary with all this?
> We probably should understand optimization concepts such as Pareto
> Optimality and Query Dissemination.  Both are applicable here as well.
> I've actually have two receivers; one for the mediator and one for the
> end-users.   The problem was that Levine did not want the mediator
> receivers to support policy.  Hence ADSP got no support by MLM receivers
> (except for us, but we didn't flip the rejection switch, just recorded
> results).  What Levine forgot was the user receivers, and that is what
> DMARC forgot too.   Overall, they presumed no one will take it serious and
> honor it, including controlling the MLM entry points.
> Well. It did.
> We got many IETF-MAN-YEARS  of engineering into all this and the policy
> lookup was the method ultimately devised as the baseline.  While it was
> confused with mandates to limit the business damage to the resigner market,
> and a focus to kill policy methods all together,  it never removed the need
> to get 3rd authorization from the ADID.
> Blind resigners was a security threat. DKIM could not separate the purported
> author from the signature and signer.  The 5322.From is required. If it
> wasn't, we would then have a different security model.  From all historical
> angles, from rewrites is simply not a good idea to crack open that door. 
> It changes everything  and makes the entire discussions moot.  As mentioned
> before, a rewrite is most certainly IETF Appeal sensitive.  Just saying.
> RFC work was done for threats, requirements and overall the DKIM
> architecture and using 1st and 3rd party policy framework is a result and
> consistent with all the IETF-MAN-YEARS put into this work.   We were
> complaining about the  actually record and query method and possible
> management complexity.  Not so much the registration part of it because
> that can also be learned over time.  This work is still relevant and even
> more so today because the mindset has changed to enable policy (via DMARC).
>  We simply did not have this before with ADSP.  So DMARC has changed the
> game.
> The in-band is fine but it's weaker and more expensive to implement, and the
> registration is still required by the organizations still interested in
> keeping with a higher level of DKIM security strength a policy framework
> provides.   Let's not assume that given no other design option, sites will
> just blindly sign all mail.   Given no other choice, who knows, you might
> force sites to re-invest in their DKIM engine to do this double signing 
> and also do the policy level verification,
> Also, keep in mind, the failures points of the proposal too. That's very
> important here.  Are we ready to do the MUST/SHOULD for negative
> classification (reject/discard/quarantine) when the detectable @fs=
> protocol failures exist?   Remember, it's not just about looking for the
> good,  but filtering the failures from the stream, and we can't once again
> get the disillusionment that no one will honor rejection because the two
> receivers are also using query dissemination methods to minimize connection
> abuse issues.
> Look, supposedly opendkim has support for ADSP/ATPS.  A simple change to
> piggy back off the DMARC record itself with the renewed interest for policy
> now, we can better measure the level of support and also provide the
> opportunity for sites to do registration R&D.
> --
> Hector Santos
> http://www.santronics.com
> > On Apr 16, 2015, at 10:11 AM, Scott Kitterman <skl...@kitterman.com>
> > wrote:
> > 
> > I will probably regret this, but since people are throwing around things
> > like Pareto to argue in favor or against specific solution areas, I
> > thought it might be useful to take a step back and look at what might
> > make a solution (or set of solutions) useful to pursue.
> > 
> > For indirect mail flows like mailing lists, there are three actors
> > involved:
> > 
> > 1.  Originator
> > 2.  Mediator
> > 3.  Receiver
> > 
> > For the purposes of this discussion I'll further categorize the entities
> > involved as big and small (yes, it's way more complex than that, but I
> > think that's sufficient).
> > 
> > That leads to six combinations: Originator/Big, Originator/Small,
> > Mediator/Big, Originator/Small, Receiver/Big, and Receiver/Small.
> > 
> > There have been solutions proposed that only require changes for one of
> > the
> > three above, that require changes at two of the above, and that require
> > changes at all three.
> > 
> > Two examples of solutions that require changes only for one actor are
> > configuring mailing lists not to make changes that break DKIM signatures
> > and mailing lists rewriting the body From to a local value.  While both
> > of those have drawbacks, from a utility analysis perspective, I think
> > they are useful to include in the family of solutions to the indirect
> > mail flow problems caused by DMARC.
> > 
> > Rationale:  They can be deployed by mediators both big and small with no
> > further coordination with other actors.  For mediators that choose to go
> > down this path and accept the downsides of these approaches, they can
> > solve the indirect mail flow problem.
> > 
> > Another example of a potential solution is receivers amalgamating data
> > from
> > across their user base to identify forwarders and utilize a local policy
> > override to not reject DMARC fail messages assessed to be sent via an
> > indirect mail flow.  This is supported by the DMARC specification, but
> > it's not something that Receiver/Small is going to be able to do.  It's
> > only really useful for Receiver/Big.  It should be included in the family
> > of solutions, but it could not be said to 'solve' the indirect mail flow
> > problem since it doesn't scale down.
> > 
> > While none of these three solutions are complete, they are complete at
> > least for those entities willing and able to deploy them.
> > 
> > Once a solution requires changes from multiple actors, the assessment is
> > more complex.  If a solution requires (as an example) both sender and
> > receiver changes to work, then if it only works for small entities, then
> > I don't think it has utility.  Since Big sends to Small and Small sends
> > to Big, any solution that affects multiple types of actors needs to work
> > for both Big and Small, otherwise if a Small only solution is deployed it
> > will fail when Small sends to Big.  Conversely, if a Big only solution is
> > deployed, it will fail when Big sends to Small.
> > 
> > This type of assessment is why I was attracted to John Levine's fs=
> > proposal. While it is inherently very complex to deploy (it definitely
> > requires sender and receiver changes and for some indirect mail flows
> > [those that strip signatures today]), there is nothing inherently Big or
> > Small about it.  I think it has other problems that may or may not be
> > resolvable, but from a solution space coverage perspective it is
> > attractive.
> > 
> > For the complex solution set that covers multiple actors, I think we have
> > to have a single solution to propose.  If we have multiple, multiple
> > actor solutions, then interoperability in this space gets much more
> > complex.  For single actor solutions, any solution that works and can be
> > deployed helps interoperability because if any actor deploys it, the
> > breakage is reduced. For multi-actor solutions, adding additional
> > solutions probably reduces interoperability since in any given mail
> > transaction (Originator -> Mediator -> 
> >> Receiver) all three have to have the same solution deployed.  If the
> > 
> > Originator and Receiver have deployed three part solution #1 and the
> > Mediator has deployed three part solution #2, then both solutions fail. 
> > It's the same as having done nothing.
> > 
> > In terms of what makes sense to specify in the output of the working
> > group, I think we should be willing to accept as many single actor
> > solutions as we discover and have energy to document.  They are always
> > good.  None of these solutions is free of side effects and actors should
> > be free to pick their poison as long as it doesn't break things
> > elsewhere.
> > 
> > For multi-entity solutions, I think we should be more constrained.  I
> > think
> > any multi-actor solution has to work for both Big and Small actors or else
> > there is no interoperability.  I think at most one three actor
> > modification
> > solution ought to be included.  I think there is possibly room for
> > solutions that relate only to two actors in addition.  We can't afford,
> > both in terms of working group time and energy and in eventual
> > interoperability to have a lot of choices in this more complex space.
> > 
> > Note:  This is not intended to say anything is in or out, just to give a
> > framework for the discussion.
> > 
> > Scott K
> > 
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