>> I've seen comments that people who were on Yahoo can fortunately go to 
>> Gmail. What happens when Gmail publishes a p=reject like they said they 
>> were going to?

> They have said multiple times that they won't do so until ARC is up and 
> working.  If they're lying, well, we're all schrod.

This makes it possible for Gmail to go to p=reject and say to others "Hey, just 
deploy ARC." Theoretically that will work, but in practice I have my doubts 

1. It requires all the list servers out there to deploy it, and getting people 
to upgrade software is non-trivial
2. It requires email receivers to validate ARC. Even if a List Server deploys 
it, it won't make a different unless we have critical mass of receivers 
adopting it

So, certainly Google + AOL + Yahoo (?) + Microsoft implementing ARC is great, 
and they have a lot of mailboxes, but it's unclear that their coverage is broad 
enough. I think we will be in a hybrid state for a long time wherein we will be 
supporting multiple solutions - (1) ARC for the long term, and (2) skipping 
DMARC enforcement for known mailing lists.

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