On 10/12/2017 01:17 PM, Hector Santos wrote:
SRS "didn't work" (catch on) because there is/was a fundamental concept/idea/methodology/philosophy/taboo that the Return Path (5321.MailFrom) should never be changed/altered/tampered with along the transport path/route.


That's new to me. But I haven't administered email as a day job in a number of years. Just personal / friend / family things now.

I can see why people might view the Return Path (RFC 5321 Mail From) and From header (RFC 5322 From) as sacrosanct. I can somewhat get behind it. At least for the normal delivery path, including relays.

I guess I personally view things like forwarding email and mailing lists as being the end of one delivery path and the start of a second delivery path.

It's the same long time mail engineering ethics mindset against altering the 5322.From original/authoring address to deal with 3rd party issues and ADSP/DMARC strong policies.

I strongly view things like the original recipient's .forward file and mailing lists to be entities unto themselves. I deliver messages to them, and they can do what ever they want to with them. If that means that they generate new messages (Auto-Submitted: auto-generated) based on the incoming messages, so be it. - I view these new messages as being from said entity, thus think the 5321.MailFrom and 5322.From /should/ reflect said entity.

I know that I am *not* personally sending /individual/ messages to all of the DMARC list subscribers. - I /am/ sending a single message the DMARC mailing list. Subsequently the DMARC mailing list is sending many individual messages to all the list subscribers. ;-)

But, to each his / her own.

Thank you for the enlightenment Hector.

Grant. . . .
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