On 10/13/2017 1:24 PM, Grant Taylor wrote:

The comment about some rule against changing bounce addresses is
wrong.  Every mailing list rewrites the bounce address on mail it
forwards.  That makes sense for lists, since they need to handle
subscriber bounces, not the person who originally sent the message.

I assume you're referring to Hector's comment about the "Return Path
(5321.MailFrom)" being sacrosanct.

Note, a "Mailing List" is a whole different horse in this matter. That would be a 1::Many (one to many) group-ware distribution process where historically, the return path is (almost always) set to the bounce/error/list-admin/distributor/mailer-daemon address -- never the original message author submitter. It didn't make technical mail sense to do that. There was never any ambiguity about that with List Server development. That was not the case in a 1::1 direct/private transport where persistency was expected along the SMTP transport path.


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