In article <> you write:
>The "mailing list problem" was introduced into this discussion as an objection 
>to DMARCs
>progresss, by implication suggesting that DMARC must be delayed until a 
>solution is found which
>creates no inconvenience to mailing list operators.    

At this point I truly have no idea what your point is. The fact that
DMARC screws up mailing lists is enough of a problem that a lot of
people have put considerable time and money into inventing and
implementing ARC.

More than that, DMARC exists, it's deployed, it's not going to change
beyond minor tweaks to clarify unclear parts of the spec, perhaps to
deprecate minor parts that don't work the way we anticipated, and
perhaps minor additions like https reporting.

In particular, there is no chance whatsoever that any DMARC policy
will become mandatory, because the IETF doesn't do mandatory. The word
MUST only means "do this to interoperate with other systems", not do
this or else.


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