Le 13/06/2020 à 17:19, Douglas E. Foster a écrit :
About this comment
If you teach users that "Joe User by Random Intermediary" is the same as "Joe User", this expectation is doomed.

Based on the response to my previous post, "Trained User" is not a meaningful concept, for purposes of this discussion [...]

That's not my point. My point is: this working group needs to make a determination whether From addresses being displayed to the users matters to DMARC or not, and then follow up consistently.

If it is, then don't break From addresses with munging.

If it is not, then use Sender field as a fallback for alignment, and don't break From either.

[...] > I suggest that the "Mailing List Problem" is a problem that does not
need to be solved (and evidence suggests that it> cannot be solved.) I can think of no purpose served by a public mailing list, like this one, which is not be better > solved by a community forum website with user login.

Thanks for you honesty. Then the relevant question is whether open and interoperable standards still matter, or if they should be replaced by proprietary web apps one feature at a time.


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