Restating what we all know:
- The Internet is dependent on the reliable operation of the DNS name system.
- The DNS name system is dependent on the reliable operation of the name 
registration processes.
- The registrars are given ownership of all unregistered domain names within 
their portion of the hierarchy.
- The public evidence of registration is the existence of a DNS entry, and a NS 
record is always the first one configured.

- Unregistered use of any domain name is an attack on the architecture of the 
- PSD for DMARC is asking us to give public suffix operators what they are 
supposed to already have:   control over unregistered names.
- We should implement new and universal policies:- Unregistered names used as 
SMTP addresses MUST generate SPF FAIL and SHOULD be rejected.- Unregistered 
names used as message From header addresses MUST generate DMARC FAIL and SHOULD 
be rejected.

Protecting the integrity of the name registration system is not an optional 
activity to be implemented by a few organizations with the most sophisticated 
implementations of the DMARC specification.   It should be a mandatory duty of 
every legitimate participant on the network.

Starting from the assumption that unregistered domains might be allowable 
creates many problems when trying to design solutions for protecting the names 
that are registered.   This assumption needs to be rejected.

Addressing some straw-man questions:
Q:  The idea is fine for public suffixes, but my organization doesn't need to 
do that for subdomains under its control.
A:  Every level of the DNS tree needs coordination of name usage.    Publishing 
an NS record for an organization subdomain proves that the organization's 
process has been followed.   Besides, the boundary between public suffixes and 
organizational domains is imprecise, so recipients cannot be expected to apply 
differential expectations.

Q: My business partner and I exchange information using unregistered 
subdomains, and it is working fine.   Leave me alone.
A: Of course, senders can register with recipients, to obtain a filtering 
exception, as an alternative to registering in the public DNS.   But the 
default behavior should be to block messages.   Note that private use of 
unregistered subdomains may cause subsequent conflicts if the organization 
assigns the name to another purpose.

Q. How do we get all incoming filters to change to default block for 
unregistered domain names?
A.  I would suggest using the CVE/CCE process.

Q. What does this mean for the PSD for DMARC process?
A.  I think it becomes unnecessary.   Getting all participants to block all 
unregistered domains is a better goal, and can probably be achieved more 
easily.   It should involve relatively simple software changes, minimal DNS 
load, and minimal evaluation-time overhead.

Doug Foster


Sent: 11/20/20 8:58 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [dmarc-ietf] Second WGLC for draft-ietf-dmarc-psd: Definition of NP

To return briefly to the muddy waters that I created. John is correct that
"mail enabled" is not useful for the RFC5322.From address, and my last note
expanded on reasons why that is correct.

However, spoofing of non-existent subdomains is a potential problem for the
RFC5321.MailFrom domain, which then becomes an attack vector for the
RFC5322.From address as well. The problem exists because because SPF has no
organizational default.

We need to think about intermediate nodes, non-mail leaf nodes, and
non-existent subdomains. Assume that a spammer tries to spoof a legitimate
organization by using a non-mail or non-existing node for both the SMTP
MailFrom address and the message From Address. The message will be
evaluated as
- SPF=None,
- DomainAligned=True, and
- (if checked by some unknown algorithm) OrganizationReputation=good.

Can we assume that all such messages will be blocked by all recipients? It
seems better to have a published policy to say that it should be blocked.
Based on existing specifications, the organization has these defenses:

- All possibilities are protected if the organization DMARC sp policy is
enforceable (p<>none and pct<>0). However, we know that this is
problematic for many organizations.

- Mail-enabled nodes should have an SPF record, so those domains will be

- Existing but non-mail domains are only protected if they have an SPF -ALL
policy. This may be difficult and error-prone for the organization to

Assuming that many organizations are still at sp=none, we have an attack
surface from non-existent domains. The "must exist" policy provides the
only defense for non-existent nodes when the DMARC sp policy is

Assuming that many organizations will have trouble managing deployment of
SPF -ALL universally, we have an attack surface for non-mail subdomains.
The "must be mail enabled" policy provides a simpler defense mechanism than
deploying SPF -ALL to every non-mail node.


-----Original Message-----
From: dmarc [] On Behalf Of Chudow, Eric B CIV
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2020 6:29 AM
To: 'John Levine'; ''
Subject: Re: [dmarc-ietf] Second WGLC for draft-ietf-dmarc-psd: Definition
of NP

Thank you, John. I agree that it's an edge case and not worth addressing

Eric Chudow
DoD Cybersecurity Mitigations

-----Original Message-----
From: John Levine <>
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2020 11:04 PM
Cc: Chudow, Eric B CIV NSA DSAW (USA) <>
Subject: Re: [dmarc-ietf] Second WGLC for draft-ietf-dmarc-psd: Definition
of NP

In article
<> you
>Section 2.7. defines a non-existent domain as "a domain for which there
>is an NXDOMAIN or NODATA response for A, AAAA, and MX records. This is
>a broader definition than that in NXDOMAIN [RFC8020]." This should be
sufficient for determining that the domain is not intended to be used and
therefore could have a more stringent policy applied.
>The idea of looking for a "mail-enabled domain" based on if an "MX record
exists or SPF policy exists" is interesting.
>Although there may be domains that send email but not receive email and so
may not have an MX record.

These days I think you will find that if the domains in your bounce address
and your From: headers don't have an MX or A record, very few recipients
will accept your mail. This seems like an edge case. In practice I find that
the domains caught by the Org domain or I suppose PSD have A records but no
mail server because they're actually web hosts rather than mail hosts.

We have the Null MX to indicate that a domain receives no mail and SPF plain
-all to indicate that it sends no mail so I hope we don't try to reinvent
these particular wheels.


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