In article <> you write:
>There is absolutely nothing stopping a phisher from taking advantage of this. 
>In fact, phishers currently do send DMARC verified email where the
>domain in the 5322.from is unrelated to the links in the message or to the 
>domain being phished. 
>This seems to me to be a step along the path of making DMARC irrelevant by 
>teaching recipients that mail with a 5322.from address they don’t
>recognize is legitimate email. 

We went through this same argument with DKIM 15 years ago, explaining
over and over to people who imagined that DKIM was a magic whitelist
bullet that a DKIM signature by itself tells you nothing. It's only
useful if you know something, good or bad, about the domain.

Similarly, DMARC alignment tells you nothing unless you also have a
reputation for the domain. I have trouble imagining why anyone would
think it's a good idea to get alignment by using third party domains
that recipients don't know.


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