On Sat, May 8, 2021 at 7:31 AM Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it> wrote:

> > - #62 makes reporting mandatory, which leaves the mail receiver with no
> > means to mitigate the privacy threat.

#62 (assuming it has WG consensus) makes it clear we really want reporting
to be mandatory, but at a glance I don't see any "MUST generate" sort of
language in the draft.  It may be in the other draft, but I haven't looked
there yet.  This draft does a pretty firm job of extolling the virtues of
report generation, however.

Personally, I think mandatory reporting wouldn't survive Last Call or IESG
Evaluation.  Even if it did, there's no mechanism to enforce it (i.e.,
operators that don't want to send such reports simply won't, and that's
that), other than maybe industry peer pressure, so I think what's in the
draft is as close as we can get.

Making it mandatory is possible since RFC 8962 established the protocol
> police.

I trust we're all aware of the significance of the publication date of that

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