It appears that Scott Kitterman  <> said:
>What I implemented is roughly:
>For policy determination, first check the From domain, if that has a DMARC 
>record, then that's the policy domain.  Otherwise, tree walk up to the apex 
>looking for DMARC records.  First domain you find with a record is policy 
>domain, use the policy (p=, sp=, np=) from that domain's DMARC record.  This 
>matches my interpretation of dmarcbis-04.
>For org domain determination (for alignment), if any of the records retrieved 
>during the policy search have psd=y, then add one more label and that's the 
>org domain (as written).  From there it's anyone's guess.  Unlike John, I 
>continued down the tree and made the first match the org domain.  

Seems reasonable.  What's the point of going more than one level below the PSD?
Make it look more like a pure tree walk?


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