On Tue 25/Jan/2022 06:56:26 +0100 Scott Kitterman wrote:
On Monday, January 24, 2022 10:15:49 PM EST Scott Kitterman wrote:
On January 25, 2022 12:46:48 AM UTC, John Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:
It appears that Scott Kitterman  <skl...@kitterman.com> said:
What I implemented is roughly:

For policy determination, first check the From domain, if that has a DMARC
record, then that's the policy domain.  Otherwise, tree walk up to the
looking for DMARC records.  First domain you find with a record is policy
domain, use the policy (p=, sp=, np=) from that domain's DMARC record.
This matches my interpretation of dmarcbis-04.

For org domain determination (for alignment), if any of the records
retrieved during the policy search have psd=y, then add one more label
and that's the org domain (as written).  From there it's anyone's guess.
Unlike John, I continued down the tree and made the first match the org

Seems reasonable.  What's the point of going more than one level below the
PSD? Make it look more like a pure tree walk?

Yes.  For consistency.  You'd walk down until you hit a non-psd record or
the limit.  Stopping at one more after the psd=y record is an optimization
for a relatively rare case of a PSD record.  Other than that case you have
to keep going until you find a DMARC record or hit the limit, since there's
no knowing what's a PSD otherwise.

The attached change would solve the problem, at least to a first approximation.
The wording could be tightened up, but this is at least a complete

I don't think "in the reverse order" makes much sense. Usually, I don't walk downward on a DNS, so the meaning of "reverse" is not clear to me. Phrases like "toward the root" or similar might be clearer.

Then, may I insist on having role=psd rather than psd=y? It can better the heuristic.


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