It appears that Alessandro Vesely  <> said:
>I think we found the few critical domains which need a flag.

We may have found some domains that need a psd flag, but it's silly to
assert we have found all or even most of them.

The PSL has 9300 entries and there are surely far more places in the DNS
than that where you want sibling domains to be separate.  The PSL only
cares about web cookies, which do not always separate at the same places
that DMARC does.  The PSL is often wrong for DMARC and I see no reason to
assume that even without PSD that a tree walk would produce less accurate
results than the PSL does.

On the other hand, it is a whole lot easier to publish a psd=y DMARC record
than to get an entry into the PSL so for anyone who cares about this, they
have a straightforward way to fix their problems.


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