I have to say, as a participant, that I have more than a little
sympathy for this suggestion or some derivative of it.  Using "psd" as
the tag name is rooted in history that will be lost as we move away
from using a public suffix list.


On Mon, Jun 27, 2022 at 6:20 AM Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it> wrote:
> On Sun 26/Jun/2022 18:05:44 +0200 Barry Leiba wrote:
> >
> > Please comment in this thread about whether you agree with making the
> > registration now, or whether you do not agree and why.
> I'd like to make a last appeal to use more intuitive symbols to be used 
> instead
> of the current ones:
> instead of | use      | to mean
> -----------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------
> psd=u      | role=sub | the default subdomain role (never needed)
> psd=n      | role=org | the org domain (only needed with non compliant PSDs)
> psd=y      | role=psd | a PSD (needed if PSD published DMARC record.)
> The reason to use cryptic symbols seems to be to discourage their usage, which
> I can hardly understand.  I'd be OK with the current symbols if the WG can
> explain somewhat better, possibly as part of the spec itself, the rationale of
> using counter-intuitive yes/ no/ undefined to express that three-valued value.
> Best
> Ale
> --
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