On Fri 08/Jul/2022 22:07:09 +0200 John Levine wrote:
The description of the tree walk should be clear enough.

Yeah, /should/!  The very fact that you yourself changed your mind about how it works, without going into the hassle of explaining your reasoning, ...

Um, what?  Scott and I went through some rounds of debugging to be sure the tree walk handled some obscure edge cases in a reasonable way.  It was all on this very mailing list with examples.  I think what we have now is OK but if you find something in the tree walk that is unclear or gets an unreasonable result, let us know, preferably with a concrete example.

I think I received all list messages (although I don't check against your weekly count) an I read all of them. Perhaps I've been inattentive, but I don't recall the switch from stop on psd=y to continue on psd=y if it's the first lookup. Any pointer?

Having done that, I remind everyone for the umpteenth time that that the overwhelming majority of DMARC publishers and DMARC lookups will not see even one psd tag, much less more than one.  While I could sort of see the use of an appendix describing the normal sorts of DMARC records that real mail operators are likely to publish and evaluate, I cannot see any benefit in wasting yet more time on arcane PSD edge cases.

I agree, but I think developers will have to code for corner cases as well, won't they? Telling programmers to just follow the spec, without trying to understand them seldom results in good code.


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