On August 4, 2022 10:02:14 AM UTC, Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it> wrote:
>On Wed 03/Aug/2022 18:26:26 +0200 Ken O'driscoll wrote:
>>> I still don't see any value in adding text like this.  The description
>>> of the tree walk is clear enough.
>> +1 (again), I don't understand why this is needed.
>> What problem statement is the proposed text attempting to address?
>I perceived the algorithm description with difficulty, because it is 
>intermixed with alignment issues and cases where the alignment can be 
>determined without knowing the organizational domain.
>I thought a concise definition of organizational domain was clearer.

I don't think this was as good as the text we were looking at last week.  I'm 
-1 on the specific proposal, but support making it clearer.

For the rest of the group:

I think that Ale's expression that he had difficulty understanding the 
description of the tree walk as written is a strong sign we still need to 
improve the language.  Of the people involved in this specific discussion, as 
far as I know, he's the only one who's first language isn't English.  That's 
true for most of the people in the world, so I don't think we can call it quite 

I got frustrated with this last week, but I think if the only non-native 
English speaker in the discussion says it's confusing, I think we have to take 
that seriously.

I'd suggest that we jump back to last week's discussion and take the state of 
the discussion here as a basis for improving the current text:


Is there anyone that can't live with that?

Scott K

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