On Thu 11/Aug/2022 21:06:31 +0200 John R Levine wrote:
On Thu, 11 Aug 2022, Alessandro Vesely wrote:

I added an example, see
I just picked a report I received and anonymized it.  How is it?

The Source-Port field is non-standard so I'd take it out.

Defined by RFC 6692.

I'd also remove at least the ARC and References headers from the message inside example since they make it a lot longer and don't help explain the format.


I'd change text/rfc822-headers to message/rfc822 and add ther a message body
or something like [ Message body was here ]

Why?  I chose a body-less example as it looks more privacy-friendly.

Perhaps I could change Auth-Failure: to bodyhash and add a DKIM-Canonicalized-Body. That would prove one can provide that data using while still sending only rfc822-headers.

BTW: The strings that Auth-Failure: can take seem to still be the ones defined by RFC 6591. The file I started from had "dmarc". There is no IANA registry. Should we define one?

The goal here is to make it clear that this has to be multipart/report and what goes into the message/feedback-report.  I hope anyone reading this already knows what a 5322 message looks like and how to leave out the body.

I need to figure out whether the example is XML <sourcecode> or <artwork> but we can worry about that later.

I thought it is the source of the email message. Its artistic content lacks somewhat... :-)

For another point, should I redact the addresses?  How?  Possibilities:

* Only s/<x@generator.example>/<REDACTED@generator.example>/

* Replace all what looks like a local-part with something like rZ8cqXWGiKHzhz1MsFRGTysHia4=, according to RFC 6590, including Received:'s for clauses and Message-Id. This has to be noted in the text.

* Other?


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