The Source-Port field is non-standard so I'd take it out.

Defined by RFC 6692.

So it is.  ARF is such a mess.

I'd change text/rfc822-headers to message/rfc822 and add ther a message body or something like [ Message body was here ]

Why?  I chose a body-less example as it looks more privacy-friendly.

I'd rather it be more general, to show where all of the plausible parts go.

I need to figure out whether the example is XML <sourcecode> or <artwork> but we can worry about that later.

I thought it is the source of the email message. Its artistic content lacks somewhat... :-)

For another point, should I redact the addresses?  How?  Possibilities:

Just change them to something like x...@yyy.zzz. It's an example. They don't matter.

By the way, it looks like you edited this into the XML rather than the markdown source. It would be nice to have the markdown available for future edits.

John Levine,, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
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