On Sun, Apr 9, 2023 at 3:27 PM Douglas Foster <
dougfoster.emailstanda...@gmail.com> wrote:

> All of which is why I sketched out a very different mailing list design.
>  It's not my job or my agenda to sell it to people, not my job to build
> the product, and not my job to deal with hurt feelings.

This, at a minimum, has the appearance of being rather cavalier and
expecting a large installed base to cope with the sea change you want to
impose upon them.

If it's not your (or the WG's) job to sell it, build it, or deal with it,
then whose job do you surmise it is?

> The Internet changed when we realized that bad guys dominate the
> environment, and Sender Authentication is one of the consequences.   The
> name-translating design provides a path to reliable list delivery when
> Sender Authentication is mandatory.  I think that kind of future-thinking
> is what standards are supposed to do.

Standards track documents like DKIM and SPF have enjoyed relative success
because they had a deployed base at the time they began their quests for
standardization.  They weren't written, published, and only then actually
built and deployed.  We had experience regarding what they look like and
how effective they are in the field as part of the case for publication.
Your idea might have merit, but it needs to be proven out rather than being
purely theoretical.  The IETF tends to favor for publication standards
track documents that have implementations already.  The "future-thinking"
is where the idea comes from, to be sure, but it would suit us well to find
a way to test them out somehow before sending them on their way.  So again,
who should do the work?

-MSK, participating
dmarc mailing list

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