6.1.  Data Exposure Considerations

  Aggregate reports are limited in scope to DMARC policy and
  disposition results, to information pertaining to the underlying
  authentication mechanisms, and to the domain-level identifiers
  involved in DMARC validation.

  Aggregate reports may expose sender and recipient identifiers on
  domain level, specifically the RFC5322.From domain.  No personal
  information such as individual email addresses, IP addresses of
  individuals, or the content of any messages, is included in reports.
  However, low-traffic reports may allow a mapping of 'record' elements
  to individuals due to a lack of aggregated data.  A malicious Domain
  Owner might add a unique user identifier to messages (e.g., as DKIM
  selector) that allows a tracking of individual users in aggregate

  [remaining section unchanged]

Looks mostly good to me. By the way, that bit about a malicious Doamin Owner is not hypothetical, and I don't think I'm malicious. Just make it A Domain Owner ...

John Levine, jo...@taugh.com, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. https://jl.ly

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