Le 04/01/2016 12:29, chill...@use.startmail.com a écrit :
# Devuan News Issue LX

__Volume 03, Week 1, Devuan Week 60__

Released 12016/1/04


## Editorial

Happy new year from the Devuan news team!

In case you wondered, yes Devuan is alive and kicking. Devuan Weekly News 
hasn't released a single issue since last June.
We're very sorry about that. Did you miss it? [Tell us!][feedback]

Happy New year to the team of Devuan Weekly News. Yes we missed you. Wondered if you were discouraged by the huge amount of off-topic threads...

Aside from the growing strength of the community, we have seen significant 
progress towards init freedom in Devuan and the approaching beta release. 
Important init freedom issues have been solved, and security issues will soon 
come into focus with an eye on the beta release for critical security updates. 
We are calling for volunteers on this, so feel free to discuss this on the 
mailing list.

We are discovering day after day that "init freedom" is about the emerged part of the iceberg. Debian still pretends to offer init freedom. What is under the sea level is a whole monolithic operating system absorbing all critical Linux subsystems like a black hole. Therefore escaping this monster means much more than init freedom, it is something like keeping a free Linux/Gnu OS.

It makes more sense every day that RedHat and Debian should rename their OS Systemd/Linux in place of Gnu/Linux. It should make sense to them as well, but I'm afraid they deny the reality.


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