Quoting Steve Litt (sl...@troubleshooters.com):

> Read https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Mdev . mdev means no Gnome allowed,
> and neither KDE nor its apps allowed.

That's a big exaggeration.   I'm pretty confident that almost all apps
bundled into KDE and almost all apps bundled into GNOME would work fine
without udev.  Few apps actually have reason to use that device-manager

> But a lot of Devuaners use KDE and Kmail, and we all know that
> somehow, K3b managed to be the best GUI optical disk burner in the
> world.

I think 'growisofs -Z /dev/sr0 -r -J /path/to/files' is difficult to
beat.  To make it graphical, run it in an xterm.  ;->

> Reading
> https://wildanm.wordpress.com/2007/08/21/mdev-mini-udev-in-busybox/ ,
> mdev seems to be a part of Busybox.

It is.  

My friend Rob Landley wrote the lot of that.

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