Quoting Adam Borowski (kilob...@angband.pl):


> Alas, they seem to be suspiciously quiet within the last year or so.

D. Jeff Dionne wrote on
http://lists.j-core.org/pipermail/j-core/2017-August/000645.html :

   We have not done a release in a while.  Not because we stopped,
   rather the opposite (customer deliverables).

My friend Rob Landley replied on 
http://lists.j-core.org/pipermail/j-core/2017-August/000646.html :

   We don't talk about it much here because we're keeping intentional
   distance between the projects, but it's no secret most of the engineers
   behind j-core work for https://se-instruments.com. (We're making sensor
   systems to allow renewable energy to displace fossil fuels in utility
   grids. At our last big conference the banner said "fault resolution to 3
   meters". Except in Japanese, because it was "Smart Energy Week" at
   "Tokyo Big Site".)

   For context why this is such an exciting area to be in right now, here's
   a Stanford professor named Tony Seba (no relation to us, never met him,
   he's just a business-side domain expert in this space) teaching a class
   in 2013, then giving a book talk last year, then having his book talk
   analyzed by a mutual fund in india earlier this year:


   The j-core project is a separate fully open source entity, but there's
   some serious resource contention going on right now staffing-wise. Sorry
   about that.

Make of that what you will, but I tend to believe Rob.  He has a good
track record on deliverables.  (You might know Toybox, Rob & friends'
answer to BusyBox, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toybox .  Rob and Bruce
Perens used to work together on BusyBox, but had some sort of falling
out.  https://lwn.net/Articles/202120/   No offence whatsoever intended
to either of these good gentlemen.)

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