On Mon, 11 Dec 2017 17:11:54 +0100
Didier Kryn <k...@in2p3.fr> wrote:

> Le 11/12/2017 à 09:39, Lars Noodén a écrit :
> > Interesting essay.
> >
> > /Lars
> >
> > "The importance of Devuan"
> >
> > https://blog.ungleich.ch/en-us/cms/blog/2017/12/10/the-importance-of-devuan/
> >  
>      Please note the following. In the abovementioned blog, Nico 
> Schottelius wrote:
> > Let's say every car manufacturer recently discovered a new
> > technology named "doord", which lets you open up car doors much
> > faster than before. It only takes 0.05 seconds, instead of 1.2
> > seconds on average. So every time you open a door, you are much,
> > much faster!  
>      This is the original saling argument, but it is wrong. Several 
> persons have already reported that Devuan's sysvinit booted faster
> than Debian's systemd.
>      Didier

This whole thing is a difficult discussion to have if what's commonly
called "conspiracy theory" is not allowed into the discussion.
Relegating the entire systemd debacle to "Hanlon's
razor" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor) is implausible
unless one sees stupidity around every corner, *and* all the stupidity
resonates in an identical direction at all times.

Much more plausible explanations involve the "follow the money"
heuristic, and when you point that out, a chorus of Hanlonites call you
a conspiracy theorist, offer you a tinfoil hat, and say you're offtopic.

Meanwhile, regardless of boot speed, a giant entangled monolith that
reinvents ten or so wheels, tying the reinvented wheels inextricably
together and to several other tie points, thereby eliminating parts
interchangeability, is on the face of it a bad idea. That would take an
incredibly coherent wave of stupidity to foist on the world. It would
be like a million monkeys with a million typewriters. 

On the other hand, throw money and profit motive into the equation, and
it's quite easy to see how this happened, and why a myth of boot speed
gained so much ground so fast.

As always, conspiracies exist, so automatically ruling out all
conspiracy theories is a logical falacy.


Steve Litt 
December 2017 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times
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