> I wanted to explore whether Devuan can provide a solution to the
> Spectre/Meltdown fiasco.  Is there a guide to what elements of Devuan
> [jessie, ascii, ?] have been upgraded to address these issues?

Spectre has no patch in the conventional sense. But there 
are two types of things one can do:

* Move to a processor which doesn't speculate :) with so many 
side effects. Processors found on the raspberry PI, for example, 
are ok to use.

* Stop running code which you don't trust. That comes in two forms:
Don't enable javascript on your browser, and don't use cloud-based
systems or virtual hosts. Those things you don't want to do anyway
if you care about security. 
Not sure how Devuan could help with those, except maybe make sure
that none of the web-based infrastructure (devgalaxy, etc) require
javascript.... or maybe package up some of the firefox forks which
are more security focused.


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