On Thu, Mar 08, 2018 at 11:42:06PM +0100, Adam Borowski wrote:


> > 
> > Just an update on this: there will soon be a "new" net-tools in
> > ascii-proposed (version 1.60+git20161116.90da8a0-1+devuan1), with the
> > correct Priority: important.
> Uhm, why?  This doesn't solve the bug — priority affects only defaults.
> If package foo requires bar to function, it needs Depends: bar (or an
> equivalent, such as bar being Essential: yes).

Hi Adam, 

this simply re-establishes the same default as in Jessie. This does
not solve the bug in wicd, which is due to the maintainer believing
that net-tools would have remained Priority: important (hence
installed uder almost all circumstances except possibly for the
minimal install, where wicd does not belong anyway), while it was
shifted to Piority: optional just before stretch entereed freeze.

> > Actually, the Debian source package still has the correct Priority:
> > important, while the binary strangely has Priority: optional ...o_O It
> > must have been a last-minute override in Stretch.
> It's only the override file what matters, the field in binary (not source)
> packages affects only the initial value; all updates currently need to be
> done by hand.  That's an artefact of the way DAK works.

This is why I see dak as a quite big overcomplication. Debian is
making a lot of fuss around "reproducible builds", and then almost any
property of the package you have just reproducibly built can have been
mangled with by dak just before entering the repo, effectively making
your package function *differently* from the stock package you get
from Debian's repos...

This is just *sick*, IMHO.

> > Please test the "new" package. I guess we will include the
> > ascii-proposed version in ascii straight away.
> Without even looking, I can tell you it won't work: priority:Important
> packages don't get included on existing installs (neither on upgrades nor
> when you install wicd on a machine that used no or another way to set up
> wifi).  net-tools will be also absent on minimal installs.

It will work on new installations, and re-establishes the same default
as in Jessie. There is no way to force a package in an existing ASCII
installation, besides forking, rebuilding and maintaining wicd as
well. Do you volunteer to do that? That would be helpful.

> This is #881225 by the way, fixed in buster but not stretch.

Great, but ASCII merges stretch, not Buster, you know....



[ ~.,_  Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ - Devuan -- Freaknet Medialab  ]  
[     "+.  katolaz [at] freaknet.org --- katolaz [at] yahoo.it  ]
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