On 20.03.18 09:20, KatolaZ wrote:
>   dpkg --get-selections > package_list
>   dpkg --set-selections < package_list

Many thanks, KatolaZ.  Notes taken, and quickly tried. It is something
I've (too idly) long thought would be very nice to have - though I was
only thinking in terms of the packages I've installed.

On 20.03.18 15:08, Florian Zieboll wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Mar 2018 20:04:12 +1100
> Erik Christiansen <dva...@internode.on.net> wrote:
> > I've used dpkg -i on a single deb on several occasions, but that would
> > be tedious and error prone for a whole distro.
> Yes, that would probably end up in a mess, especially when you want to
> cleanly remove no longer needed dependencies after uninstalling some
> package...
> ...but you can just copy/mount the content of /var/cache/apt/archives/
> of your full installation into the same directory of a new minimal
> installation and run apt-get update: Apt will then get the debs from
> there.

Ah-ha, that's an elegantly simple syncing method. I like it greatly, and
look forward to the chance to try it out - after I have the first devuan
install working.

Thanks to you both,

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