Hallo, Oliver,

Du meintest am 29.02.12:

>> Additional experiments: the system needs
>>         interface=lo
>>         interface=eth0
>>         interface=eth1
>> Otherwise mailing with Thunderbird (over eth0) doesn't work, getting
>> a DHCP IP address (for the eth0 net) doesn't work.

> I'm not sure, what your intention is for the use of dnsmasq. What do
> you  want to achieve?

I want a simple system especially for managing a lot of clients in a  
LAN, it works in schools and is administrated by teachers who don't want  
to first study man pages etc before changing such stuff like the IP  
address belonging to a MAC address, p.e.

> How many computers are in your network?

More than 200 machines which are owned by the school, and (presumably) a  
lot more than 200 private machines, like smartphones.

> What is the  error from thunderbird? Is it an "IP"-error or an DNS-
> error?

I have to ask the colleague who tries to run the system, may need some  
time (that is a job which shouldn't disturb "normal" working ...)

> How is your  routing table? What stands in /etc/resolv.conf?

Mailing with Thunderbird works with the lines


The routing table and the contents of "/etc/resolv.conf" are not changed  
for the case "without any interface line" or "with only some interface  
lines"; I may not believe that changing the "interface=" lines in the  
dnsmasq configuration is related to the contents of these files.

Viele Gruesse!

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