Hallo, Oliver,

Du meintest am 29.02.12:

>  It looks like you dont need the dns-functionality of dnsmasq.

Sorry - I don't like the ISC DNS ("bind"/"named"). It's a monster.

>  So maybe  you would feel more comfortable with the original dhcp-
>  server (version  3), where the configuration language is more
>  explizit as in dnsmasq  (@dnsmasq-develoopers: your program is great,
>  Im using it excessivly,  especially the script triggering, but in
>  this special case the  alternative dhcpd could be the better
>  decision).

Maintaining the DHCP list for the ISC-dhcpd is an ugly job.
I'd prefer the simple lines "dhcp-host=..." from "dnsmasq".

Viele Gruesse!

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