I reviewed the draft (sorry I was not in Prague).  My comment which does
not duplicate the previous comments of Joe Abley, Andrew Sullivan, and
Rob Austein:

>   4.5. Multi-homing of name servers across protocol families is less
>   likely to lead to or encounter truncation, partly because multiprotocol
>   clients are more likely to speak EDNS which can use a larger response
>   size limit, and partly because the resource records (A and AAAA) are in
>   different RRsets and are therefore divisible from each other.

I think a small piece of sentence explaining why multiprotocol clients
are more likely to speak EDNS will make the whole paragraph more clear
to understand, such as by changing the part as

    ... partly because multiprotocol clients, which is required to
    handle larger RRsets such as AAAA RRs, are more likely to ...

In general, I support this document to be proceeded in next phase soon
as possible.

// Kenji Rikitake

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