Hi all,

I have reviewed draft-ietf-dnsop-respsize-07, as I promised to do in Prague.

   2.1.5. DNS label compression allows a domain name to be instantiated
   only once per DNS message, and then referenced with a two-octet
"pointer" from other locations in that same DNS message (see [RFC1035
   4.1.4]).  If all nameserver names in a message share a common parent
(for example, all ending in ".ROOT-SERVERS.NET"), then more space will
   be available for incompressable data (such as nameserver addresses).

I think this should say "... allows the component labels of a domain name to be instantiated exactly once per DNS message, and then referenced..." This is clearer to me than the text above, although I don't believe the original text is so confusing that this change is absolutely necessary.

I tested the source code and it works as advertised.

As a "zone owner" (to use this document's phrase), I found this document useful and clearly written, and support its publication in the RFC series, with or without the small change I suggested above.

I note that the idnits tool when run against this draft produces a small avalanche of issues, but I presume this is something to be figured out between the authors and the RFC editor rather than by this working group.


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