On Wed, 25 Jun 2008, Joe Abley wrote:

> On 25 Jun 2008, at 16:08, Dean Anderson wrote:
> > According to this page, both F-root servers in China are "local
> > nodes", meaning they don't advertise their route outside of the ISP
> > they are connected to.
> "The ISP" is misleading; both F-root nodes in the PRC are connected to  
> popular exchange points in their respective locations, 

Peering points in this case just gives ISC access to more ISPs at
(presumably) less cost.  There is nothing misleading in "The ISP".  The
number of many ISPs is unimportant, so long as it is not universal.  
The key factor is that these are "Local Nodes" that but only offer
services to a specific ISP (or ISPs) rather then all of China and Asia.

> and ISC is known to operate open peering policies.

I was under the impression that you charge for operating these servers.  
How does that charging work?  Do you charge the peering facility and
offer services to ISPs at that peering point for free?  Do you charge
for peering?  I'm very curious about that.

> As to whether the F-root nodes in Hong Kong and Beijing actually  
> exist, I can vouch for them being decidedly non-imaginary since in  
> both cases I was part of the team that installed them. I fully expect  
> this to do nothing to enhance their credibility in your eyes, however,  
> and there's no need to point that out.

Gee, I thought you left ISC, yet you can still speak for ISC... So, what
does it cost to peer with ISC root servers? I've heard some
speculations, but no figures.

Of course, Mr. Abley's "non-imaginary existance" proposition is entirely
frivolous. I guess Joe is just trying to get a laugh, somehow.  My point
is that given these Anycast servers are located in PRC today, there is
no guarantee that they will be there next week or next month or next
year---That's because ISC doesn't have to ask anyone's permission to
remove them, nor does ISC even have to notify anyone (except perhaps the
peering ISPs) when it removes these servers.  We do not know ISC's
contract status on these servers, and we have no influence over those
contracts, if any.

And furthermore, these two China servers don't benefit any ISP in China
that doesn't peer with ISC, so Dr. Huang's hypothetical scenario is
true, as previously demonstrated, despite Mr. Abley's humorous
assertions about their "non-imaginary existance".


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