* Jelte Jansen:

> Ralf Weber wrote:
>>> No redirection on SERVFAIL seems to be a strange recommendation.
>>> Wouldn't this be a very good reason to provide a diagnostics page,
>>> especially if there's been a DNSSEC validation failure?
>> This sounds like an excellent idea to help DNSSEC adoption and
>> is something that should go into the draft.
> then a SERVFAIL will also result in an e-mail bounce that says
> connection refused

Not a hard 5xx error?

> instead of DNS error (assuming there's no e-mail
> sink on the host that is redirected to). Fun times for the helpdesk.

Only if the mail server falls back to the A record if the MX lookup
results in SERVFAIL, which seems like a questionable approach to me.

Anyway, I think DNS rewriting is mainly for folks who also block
25/TCP in- and outgoing or list the address space on the PBL and
similar DNSBLs, so the SMTP argument is not really valid anymore.

> Also, I don't see how the ISP trust anchor for DNSSEC would work (not
> knowing the actual zone that it is supposed to cover in advance); it
> might be a better idea to simply disable all redirects on DO==1.

You can't use trust anchors to guide rewriting.  You need to look at
the zone contents to see what can be done.  With NSEC3 opt-out,
there's still lots of wiggle room (at least initially).  Generally not
spoofing on DO==1 is easier, of course.
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