On 7/14/09 8:58 AM, "Suzanne Woolf" <wo...@isc.org> wrote:

> In this case, we're talking about resolvers replacing
> authoritative server data with their own.

Actually, I thought the case was resolvers providing an alternate response,
where NO authoritative data exists.  ??

> To the draft specifically: the goal behind it is laudable, and a lot
> of the complaints about it are in the nature of shooting the
> messenger.  I'm one of the people who shares the belief that there's
> no "Best" in this space to justify the "BCP" tag, but an informational
> document will be useful. I look forward to the -01 and the discussion
> in Stockholm.

Yes, I suspect you may well be right on Informational vs. BCP.  But I'm
pleased with the detailed feedback I have thus far received.


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