On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 04:29:49PM -0400,
 Andrew Sullivan <a...@shinkuro.com> wrote 
 a message of 33 lines which said:

> It is a fact that people are doingthese DNS tricks, and we will not
> be saved from them by refusing totalk about them any more than we
> were saved from the stupidestpossible NAT implementations by the
> IETF's collective refusal to workon NAT.

There is a huge difference here: NAT was a solution to an existing
problem, the lack of IPv4 addresses (remember that, when NAT started,
the RIR were not even distributing IPv6 addresses, not to mention
actual routing).

Therefore, whatever the opinion of the IETF was, NAT were going to be
a success.

DNS lying resolvers are not a solution to an actual problem
(otherwise, doing it as an opt-in service would be sufficient).

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