On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 09:20:12PM -0400, Livingood, Jason wrote:
  Great and detailed feedback on our first draft, Andrew.  I'll take a reply
  in detail, point-by-point, when I start working on -01 with my co-authors
  and contributors.


andrew pretty much covered it but just to be explicit, 
my two biggest issues:

(1) for each proposed scenario, need to explain why not only is 
it possible to incur some collateral benefits by falsifying 
DNS responses, but why falsifying DNS responses is the Best 
or Only way to achieve those benefits.  

(2) especially given its legalistic tone, should acknowledge
that the legal territory this behavior occupies is unresolved,
and will likely be answered differently by different national
laws. somewhere near where you acknowledge explicitly "this does 
violate the intended use of this protocol \cite{}, and here 
are the bad things that can happen as a result."


  On 7/13/09 4:29 PM, "Andrew Sullivan" <a...@shinkuro.com> wrote:

  > Dear colleagues,

  On Thu, Jul 09, 2009 at 11:23:48AM -0400, Livingood, Jason >
  wrote: > If anyone is interested and has time before IETF 75,
  I??m happy to > take > feedback before then obviously.  Please
  note that there is a list of > open > items at the end, which we
  plan to address in subsequent versions.

  I > have read draft-livingood-dns-redirect-00.  I have some
  (actually, many) > comments.  I write as a contributor of the DNS
  Operations working group and > not in any other capacity (especially
  not as co-chair of DNSEXT).  I will > leave it for others to
  debate the extent to which the document actually > proposes changes
  to the DNS protocol.  I apologise for the length of this > mail,
  but it seemed best to me to go over the document in detail.

  To begin > with, I must state that I am opposed to adopting the
  draft as it stands as a > working group item with a target of
  BCP.  That said, I agree that if people > are going to do these
  sorts of things, it'd be better that we have a document > to
  explain what the least bad way to do them is (although one might
  be excused > for wondering what "least bad" means in a context
  such as this).  It is a fact > that people are doing these DNS
  tricks, and we will not be saved from them by > refusing to talk
  about them any more than we were saved from the > stupidest
  possible NAT implementations by the IETF's collective refusal to
  > work on NAT.  Still, I am not sure that the document as it
  currently > stands represents that "least bad", so there's some
  work to do.
  First, in
  > section 3 we have a note that there are alternative
  strategies to DNS
  > redirects.  It is one thing to rule discussion of
  those alternatives out of
  > scope; it is quite another to present the
  alternatives as completely neutral.
  > This discussion should be
  strengthened to point out that performing redirects
  > in the DNS have
  extremely wide consequences, and that the DNS-based approach
  > is a
  terribly blunt instrument to perform what is intended to be
  > surgical
  redirections, akin to doing an appendectomy with a club.  In
  > addition,
  I think the discussion should point out that DNS-based
  > redirection
  violates the basic principle of the DNS: it is supposed to be
  > a
  distributed, loosely-coherent database of records originally provided
  > authoritative sources of data.  DNS redirections violate that
  principle by
  > design, even if they do it for the noblest reasons.  This
  is an important
  > factor in the discussion of DNSSEC, to which I'll turn
  near the end of this
  > message.
  I note this text in section 5.1.3:
     Design considerations for the
  > Web Error Search and Malicious Site
     Protection services should include
  > properly and promptly
     terminating non-HTTP connection requests.
  I would
  > find it helpful if the draft included some text explaining how
  to terminate
  > "non-HTTP connection requests" (and make a subsequent
  connection request
  > operate correctly)?  There's nothing in the DNS
  request that would tell a
  > resolver whether the DNS query was happening
  because the client planned to
  > make an http connection as opposed to
  something else.  Is the idea to monitor
  > DNS requests, then sniff the
  traffic to see if it's an HTTP request and then
  > do something with that
  knowledge?  (This sounds just shy of practically
  > impossible to me, but
  I'd be happy to be wrong.)  What about https requests?
  > Surely,
  malware people will quickly learn to send the requests via https
  > if
  that's a clear path, so that won't work.  And anyway, one can't
  > sniff
  encrypted traffic.
  In section 5.2.3, it says
     A range of resource
  > records may be redirected, such as A,
     AAAA, MX, SRV, and NAPTR records, in
  > order to fulfill the objective
     of preventing access to certain network
  > elements containing malicious
     content or which and in some way used to
  > transmit, relay, or
     otherwise transfer malicious content.  All other
  > resource record
     types must be answered as if there was no redirection.
  > think the last sentence is just a rhetorical flourish.  It seems to
  say that
  > any RR may be redirected, depending on the objective; but
  other ones must
  > (MUST?  I suppose this depends on where one stands on
  2119 language in BCPs.
  > If the authors want 2119 language, there are
  some other places that could do
  > with it too) be answered as if there
  were no redirection.  This boils down to,
  > "Redirect whatever you think
  you need to."  So the last sentence in the quoted
  > bit is just
  decoration: it merely makes the passage read as though the
  > technique
  isn't too invasive, but it has no practical effect.  (Section 5.5
  > has
  this, too.)
  Section 5.3 ought to point out that legally-mandated DNS
  > redirect may
  do harm, because the ability to send desirable traffic (such
  > as
  cease-and-desist emails, for instance) is lost (this is
  > especially
  important in light of the discussion of proxy servers at the end
  > of
  5.3.3).  Section 5.3.3 reads like it was written by actual lawyers
  > that in my idiolect, "lawyer" is not automatically a term of
  derision): there
  > are here a lot of and/ors, other slashes, and lists
  of possible authorities.
  > For readability, I suggest that this be made
  simpler and more neutral.  "Legal
  > authority" probably covers
  everything needed to encompass the various kinds of
  > agencies in
  question.  I'm also not sure the apparent requirement to disclose
  > that
  the redirection is enforced by law has any practical value, although
  > I
  think it's nice if my ISP tells me it's fooling with the bits because
  of law
  > enforcement rather than local policy.
  What is the interaction between the
  > manual DNS server reconfiguration
  discussed at the end of section 6.3, and the
  > persistence
  recommendation in section 6.1?  It seems to me all but inevitable
  > that
  a manual modification will bumped out of the way by a
  > subsequent
  automatic configuration unless the automatic system is informed of
  > the
  manual changes.  Therefore, it seems to me that there needs to be
  > a
  mechanism by which manual configuration changes can be communicated
  back up
  > to the automatic assigner, so that the manual changes don't
  later get undone.
  > (It'd probably be enough to specify the ability to
  disable the manual changes,
  > without perhaps needing to send all the
  new configuration to the ISP.)
  > section 6.4, the text appears to suggest that setting an attribute
  in the
  > browser will affect how the DNS lookups happen.  I suggest
  removing that text
  > or else including a pointer to the section in which
  you explain why it is a
  > bad (not to say "ludicrous") idea.  The
  subsequent text is the right direction
  > to go: to allow users to opt
  out, just change their network configuration.  I
  > think some more
  exposition of the tradeoffs may be needed, however, since the
  > current
  text seems to be fairly narrowly tailored to the
  > present-era
  arrangement where the CPE has a single IPv4 address with a NATted
  > LAN
  sitting behind it.  Given that some other participants in the IETF
  > are
  busily telling everyone to assign fairly large IPv6 ranges to
  > every
  customer, the model in the draft probably needs some more refining.
  > think the discussion in 7.1 isn't drawing the wanted distinction
  quite as
  > clearly as it might.  The proposal is that a _good_
  redirection captures the
  > query, detects it is one of the redirection
  targets, and takes the user to a
  > web page where the user is told that
  they've been redirected.  The complaint
  > in 7.1 is really that the
  very same redirection has happened, but the user is
  > not informed.  The
  discussion of "valid reason for the redirection" is just
  > a
  distraction: the issue isn't whether the redirection is somehow
  > (since there are some of us who would reply that such a
  redirection is _never_
  > justified), but whether the user is told about
  Section 7.4 would benefit
  > from some characterization of what would be
  acceptable additional latency
  > introduced by a redirector.  Citations
  of user-experience studies would help.
  > It seems to me the section is
  talking about one of the trade-offs to be made
  > when trying to decide
  whether to add a redirector, and without some
  > well-founded numbers,
  this is just hand waving.
  Section 7.5 seems to suggest
  > that there are cases where it is
  acceptable to intercept DNS queries and
  > redirect them silently.  These
  cases are typified as being "reasonable",
  > "justifiable", &c.  The
  problem with any of this sort of thing is that it is
  > the ISP who gets
  to decide what is "reasonable".  I presume that those ISPs
  > who are
  capturing and blocking or, worse, redirecting all DNS traffic think
  > it
  _is_ reasonable and justifiable.  Since what is reasonable and
  > is right at the core of disagreement, reasonableness and
  justifiability can't
  > be the criteria.  I suggest that discussion be
  removed: there just is no
  > reason to capture the DNS traffic.  If you
  want to turn someone off, _turn
  > them off_.
  Section 8 could be improved considerably by discussing the way
  > that
  redirection breaks other protocols.  A diagram that looks very
  > like
  (e.g.) Figure 5, only with no place in the protocol where the
  > Web
  response box goes, might make clearer why the redirection
  > is
  Section 9.7 says, "This example represents an improper
  > redirect
  occurring when a valid DNS RR should have been returned in response
  > to
  a DNS recursive query for an example website, the resulting
  > HTTP
  transaction, and that no DNS query or HTTP traffic was sent to the
  > authoritative DNS server and valid web server."  This makes it
  sound like
  > there should be an HTTP request going to the DNS server.  I
  know that's not
  > the intent, but given that the target audience is
  presumably confused about
  > the relationship between DNS servers and web
  servers (to the point that
  > they're willing to break every other
  application in the interests of
  > supporting the web servers), this
  should be cleared up.
  Section 10's
  > consideration of DNSSEC seems to have some fairly deep
  misapprehensions of the
  > DNS protocol.  First, it has a completely
  naive idea of the actual DNS
  > ecosystem.  It starts by shutting down
  any discussion of non-stub resolvers on
  > the grounds that "DNS
  redirections take place on the recursive server", as
  > though only one
  recursive server could be involved in a resolution request
  > from a
  stub.  But previously in the draft there was some discussion
  > of
  networks in households, and so on.  One model of deployment there is
  > a gateway server that runs its own DNS recursive resolver, and
  > service to all the systems behind it, often with a single
  IPv4 anddress and an
  > RFC1918-addressed NAT.  Such gateways are obvious
  targets for DNSSEC
  > deployment.  Now, since they usually get the
  address from the ISP via
  > automatic means, they will get the DNS
  configuration from the ISP.
  There is
  > nothing whatever about a given query that could tell you,
  "Oops, this one's
  > not from a stub; better give it the real DNS."  So,
  the draft should address
  > the case of a full-service recursing
  validating resolver inside the redirect
  > boundary.
  It is interesting to compare bullet 2 with the advice we editors
  > of
  the DNS64 document (over in BEHAVE) have received.  In our case,
  > the
  suggestion has been that, if the security-aware translator validates
  > answer from the DNS containing an A record, and is going to
  provide the
  > querying resolver (which set DO=1 and CD=0) an answer, it
  is perfectly
  > acceptable to set the AD bit in the answer.  This is
  because of the language
  > in RFC 4035: "The name server side SHOULD set
  the AD bit if and only if the
  > resolver side considers all RRsets in
  the Answer section and any relevant
  > negative response RRs in the
  Authority section to be authentic."  In the case
  > of DNS64/NAT64, the
  trick here is to expand the definition of "authentic" to
  > include the
  NAT64 technique.  I suspect this is really acceptable to
  > people
  because the DNS64 knows about the NAT64 configuration, and
  > is
  attempting to hook the querying host up with the target host (and is
  > compensating for the fact that the v4 and v6 networks are really
  > networks).  But strictly, the justification for setting the
  AD bit is that the
  > DNS64 host knows about the NAT64 configuration, and
  therefore is in a position
  > to assert the authenticity of that address
  (having assured itself of the
  > authenticity of the destination address).
  The redirection case is on purpose
  > sending the querying client to some
  target host _other than_ the requested
  > one.  In some sense, then, the
  decision in the draft not to set the AD bit on
  > these responses is
  praiseworthy.  However, the redirector presumably is
  > tightly coupled
  to the configuration of redirection and the host that is used
  > to offer
  landing pages.  Therefore it seems to me by the logic used
  > above,
  setting the AD bit would not strictly be a violation of the
  > protocol,
  if it isn't in DNS64.  I confess this conclusion makes me
  > extremely
  I think a great deal of additional text will be
  > needed to explain how
  the ISP-provided "mitigating" trust anchor is supposed
  > to help solve
  the issue that the redirector's answers will fail validation by
  > a
  downstream validator.  Part of the point of DNSSEC is supposed to be
  that we
  > can prove delegations haven't been mucked with along the chain
  > resolvers, and also that the trust across zone cut boundaries
  is not broken.
  > This is the cryptographic assurance of the integrity
  of the distributed
  > database I mentioned at the beginning of this
  message.  The goal of
  > redirection is to subvert that integrity (never
  mind whether it's justified --
  > that's the goal).  
  The only way, it seems to me, that a redirector can use
  > an alternative
  trust anchor is to get its clients to accept an alternative
  > (or,
  rather, "additional") root key.  Then any validation chain can
  > be
  produced using that key, at the cost of a considerable increase in
  state on
  > the part of the redirector (because presumably the redirector
  is going to need
  > to remember what queries need supporting keys chasing
  all the way down from
  > the root.)  If such a system could be built such
  that it could be reliably
  > deployed, it would amount to a frontal
  assault on DNSSEC itself, and on the
  > principle of the single root.
  And so we arrive at the really fundamental
  > problem of the draft: it
  presents a plan to fracture the namespace
  > selectively.  Sometimes,
  just in cases reflected in the redirector's own
  > configuration, the
  namespace delegation points are _not_ those as reflected in
  > a common
  hierarchy descended from a root (let's leave aside the "unique
  > root"
  for the moment, since it's not precisely relevant to this argument),
  > instead a delegation to some other point.  Under such a model, a
  > distributed database becomes totally unreliable.  We might
  say DNSSEC is
  > designed to foil the sort of attempt redirection makes
  precisely because this
  > kind of fracturing undermines the database
  itself, and that the result of
  > being able to prove you've arrived at
  the right host is just a happy
  > instantiation of the more general
  It is therefore mind-boggling
  > that there is nothing in the Security
  Consideration sections of the draft to
  > say, "Oh, and we've broken the
  DNS Security Extensions, too."  Section 11 also
  > includes the following
  text, which probably needs to say "no-one" where it
  > says "someone":
     Security best practices should be followed regarding
  > access to the
     opt-in and opt-out functions, in order that someone other
  > than the
     user is able to change the user's DNS Redirect settings.
  > are all the remarks I have at the moment.
  Best regards,
  > Sullivan
  > Inc.
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