----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roy Arends" <r...@dnss.ec>
> If you want a real analogy, think alternative roots. From the users 
> perspective, that is what is happening here: an alternative namespace  is 
> created. Would we have a discussion at all if this perspective was  used?

I agree. This document is describing an alternative namespace, and this 
practice is harmful. It should be made clear that the IETF is firmly opposed 
to this practice.

> I would like to see some guidance from the WG chairs here. What is the 
> next step. In lieu I propose the following: [1] Gauge consensus about 
> adopting draft-livingood-dns-redirect-00 as a WG document. [2] if this 
> draft is not adopted, we should at least get another work item on the 
> list that documents the necessity to preserve the consistency of the 
> namespace, adhering to the end to end principle, and educate folk that 
> the DNS is not the web.
> We might not be able get folks to listen to our stamping little feet,  but 
> that is just far more preferable then to add to the tragedy of the 
> commons and seeing rcode=3 go extinct.
> Not that we should sit still and let this one go by. I actually think 
> that the effort of writing a new draft might be lesser than the effort  of 
> trying to change draft-livingood-dns-redirect. I'll wait for  redirect-01 
> and decide if its worth spending time on draft-arends-dns- 
> response-modification-considered-harmful-00.


I believe that draft-livingood-dns-redirect-00 is fundamentally misconceived 
and wrong.
I oppose it's adoption as a WG document.

"You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig."

Best wishes,
George Barwood

> Kind regards,
> Roy Arends
> Nominet UK
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