At 11:02 AM -0500 1/21/10, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
>On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 10:48:52AM -0500, Edward Lewis wrote:
> > And the key word above is "assumptions" - once we know for a fact that a
>> ZSK of 1024 bits is good for a year no matter how much it is used and
>Nobody can ever know that for a fact, because it would require proving
>impossible that such a key could be cracked.  Predictions of future
>impossibility are hard to prove. 

But we *can* assume that there are a lot of 1024-bit keys in use that are much 
more valuable than the most valuable DNSSEC 1024-bit key. Thus, as public 
analysis gets better, we are likely to hear about it. Even if the first attacks 
from private crackers, we will hear about them.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium
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